About Therapy

~ A space for you ~

Therapy is a process of enquiry.

It allows you to discover and explore your mind and body at work. It can bring about understanding, insight, healing, and integration at a deep level.


A whole-person approach

I take a whole-person or holistic approach to therapy, helping you get to the heart of things. Often we’ll begin with what is happening for you in your life today. Then we might begin to explore your life history, past and present relationships, and the other factors that might be influencing your experience.

So while we’ll often start with the present moment, you may begin to make links back to your formative relationships and how they influence and shape you today.⁣ It’s up to you how much of this history you share with me upfront, and as we go - sometimes I might enquire - but this choice is completely up to you.

As well as my study and training in counselling and psychodynamic approaches to therapy, I have also studied, received, and practiced somatic approaches to healing and integration, informed by neurobiology, polyvagal theory, and trauma-research. I myself experienced significant developmental trauma in my formative years, and I know for certain that serious trauma can absolutely be healed, within a safe and trusting relationship with the right practitioner.

Most people engage with me in a therapy relationship with the intention of it being an open-ended enquiry, and some people choose to come for a shorter, defined period.

I invite you to take your time and trust your own discernment as you look to find the right fit for you.